Refund & Return Policy

At Sanoft Technologies, we strive to deliver exceptional service. If you are not satisfied, you may request a refund under the following conditions::

  1. Cancellation and Refunds:
    • Cancellation requests must be made within seven days of commencing the service.
    • Cancellation requests placed after seven days of starting the service will be rejected.
  2. Service Issues:
    • Please let our customer care team know if you are facing any service issues in the contact us link.
    • Service issues is not a reason to accept refund request after seven days.
    • Any damages caused to customers hardware such as tablet, laptop, printer are not considered as a reason for refund or any damage claim.
  3. Processing Time:
    • Approved refunds will be processed within 6-8 business days.
    • All refunds will be processed only to the same source of transaction wherever possible.
    • In case of source transaction method does not support refund, refund will be issued to the same entity or person made the source transaction.